Cultural Development
Research Topic
Language: English
This is a research topic created to provide authors with a place to attach new problem publications.
Research problems linked to this topic
- To what extent have investments in buildings/infrastructure (new buildings, expansion/maintenance or repurposing for cultural use) led to social and economic regeneration of an area?
- To what extent does the distance from and/or density of AHT assets determine engagement rates among specific groups? What does this mean for public investment into AHT infrastructure?
- What data gaps may exist in the financial and economic performance of AHT sectors and wider cultural engagement? How can these data gaps be addressed?
- What are identified as the key digital skills gaps in the UK’s cultural workforce?
- What are the social, economic, cultural and democratic impacts of national and local news provision in the UK? How can we best quantify and/or qualify the impact of national and local news provision? How do these impacts and benefits differ across different demographics and stakeholders?
- How can we best measure the non-economic value of the creative industries?
- How can we better monitor and evaluate the impacts of road schemes, and other large-scale infrastructure projects, on the local environment and those who use and live in that that environment e.g., on cultural heritage sites in the area; on local residents, in terms of well-being and on local biodiversity?
- What are the barriers to participation?
- Analyse to what extent the AHTassets/offer act as push and pull factors in people and business decisions to move, stay or leave for a different location? What does this mean for public investment policy in culture, heritage and tourism and growth of cultural clusters?
- How can we codify and measure the impact of non-regulatory barriers to trade, such as exchange rates, language, cultural, and geographical barriers?
- What is the impact of non-cognitive skills developed through cultural education and lifelong earnings?
- Define and measure social cohesion and cultural value, relating it quantitatively to sport.
- How does creative content affect cultural identity at both the national and local level?
- Define the outcomes and impacts of the legacy of cultural events and develop the methods and/or models that are most effective for evaluating the long-term impacts of cultural events.
- What are the best methodologies and indicators to measure the benefits of halting ongoing material failure and degradation of museum buildings and collections?
- Assess and explain the causal impacts of cultural events at a local and national scale (e.g. economic, social, and cultural).
- Explore the development of a standardised baseline monitoring and evaluation framework for major cultural events.
- What are the most appropriate methodologies and indicators to measure the environmental and economic benefits of deploying and maintaining repair and maintenance systems when protecting cultural assets? What are the benefits of this?
- How effective are trade in creative goods and services in contributing to the long-term promotion of cultural exchange?
- Analyse and explain the role and drivers of AHT sectors in creating a greater sense of pride in place in communities?
- What is the social and developmental impact of culture and creative education at schools and higher education?
- How is digital culture affecting how people interact with both physical and digital forms of culture? Are they substitutes or complements e.g. can digital engagement increase physical engagement? What does this mean for future policy interventions and business models?
- How can creative businesses support behaviour change of citizens (and their audiences) to meet net zero targets? What types of information and delivery maximise positive behaviour change?
- To what extent and how does the UK government’s investment in overseas cultural heritage protection impact on international trade flows between the UK and recipient countries?
- What methodologies could be applied to AHT sectors and subsectors, which would allow for information to underpin policy interventions in those sub-sectors?
- Which methodologies could be used to more accurately forecast the wider impact of major cultural events on local economies and societies?
- Which policies and initiatives have been effective in increasing the non-economic/monetizable value delivered by the creative industries?
- Analyse and explain what works in terms of increasing access to and engagement with AHT sectors, notably across young people, people who are currently in lower socioeconomic households and ethnic minorities.
- What works in terms of improving diversity (defined as representation of protected characteristics and socio-demographic background to the UK population) within the creative industries sectors’ workforce to bring it closer to being representative of the UK workforce and audiences?
- What are the social and cultural impacts of digital engagement and how do they differ from or compliment physical engagement?
- Analyse and explain to what extent there is a causal relationship between place-based cultural funding (e.g. cultural property protection) and wider local socioeconomic impacts? To what extent are there spillover effects in nearby surrounding areas?
- Examine and explain the impact of the Cultural Protection Fund, in particular its contribution to UK cultural diplomacy, soft power and towards The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals within the programme.
- Is there a causal relationship between cultural creative related education and how salaries progress over time?
- Which methodologies could be used to more accurately forecast physical engagement at cultural events?
- What works in developing international influence/soft power through the arts, heritage and tourism sectors?
- How does participation in the creative industries, and in creative activities, affect individuals’ wellbeing and performance?
- Analyse and explain the prerequisite conditions for effective cultural investment in place, for example leadership, infrastructure and long-term strategy.
- Analyse and explain the drivers of spatial differences in cultural engagement across the UK?
- How does the UK’s digital offer for international cultural activity compare to other markets around the world? Where have there been market failures for digital policy in relation to international arts and culture activity and what are effective intervention options?
- Analyse and explain the interactions across the cultural sector value chain and the relative importance of parts of the value chain to growth and sector resilience to understand how future policy interventions should be targeted.
- Which methods could be best implemented and provide robust estimates of in person engagement with cultural events, especially when activities are unticketed?
- What are the major skills gaps in the AHT sectors and how could that impact on sector growth and wider social and culture outcomes?
- How does CI activity lead to spillovers of knowledge and innovation to other sectors?
- To what extent has the COVID-19 pandemic and transition to more online/hybrid events changed the domestic/international digital footprint of AHT organisations based within the UK?