Research Topic
Language: English
This is a research topic created to provide authors with a place to attach new problem publications.
Research topics above this in the hierarchy
Research problems linked to this topic
- What emerging biological or behavioural measurements and calculations can be used to ascertain or impersonate a person’s identity?
- How can the police service measure the quality of its analytical data?
- How can AI be used to identify harmful content?
- What is the value and impact of policing’s crime prevention initiatives within the context of diverse communities and populations? How do policing’s crime prevention initiatives need to be altered to have a better impact in diverse communities and populations?
- What counter technologies may be used to trick large scale audio-visual data processing and analysis systems used by the police and how can they be mitigated?
- What novel millimetric wave sensing technologies can be used by policing to identify hidden objects??
- What advances in analysing microbiomes and genetics can be utilised to identify or track criminals from traces found at crime scenes?
- What behavioural and technical interventions will improve the safety of public spaces and the public’s perception of their safety?
- What are the downstream impacts of climate change on criminality and policing’s operating model?
- How can policing increase the scientific expertise of our workforce to drive scientific thinking across the service?
- How can policing maintain the integrity of the evidential chain when processing and analysing audio-visual data?
- Court enforced alcohol abstinence: Does it reduce reoffending?
- What impact do abuse, threats and violence have on journalists in the UK? What is the most appropriate way to define ‘abuse’, particularly online abuse, of journalists? What are the perceived boundaries between abuse and valid criticism by different stakeholders? What are the potential triggers for journalist abuse in the UK and internationally, including through analysis of online abuse on social media platforms and publisher websites, and the online accounts posting this abuse and wider evidence gathering?
- What technical and behavioural methods that can be used to improve the quality of data within police systems, including to reduce the burden on users and correct inputs by staff to reduce human error?
- How can policing best assess and evidence the benefits of crime prevention initiatives?
- How safe are journalists in the UK and how has this changed over time?
- How can policing overcome challenges around the collection, processing and storage of (usually large) files from audio-visual materials, including when working with still compared to moving images?
- How can policing enrich and promote a ‘science and evidence first’ culture by identifying effective pedagogy, learning technologies, and research on organisational design?