Higher education institutions
Research Topic
Language: English
This is a research topic created to provide authors with a place to attach new problem publications.
Research problems linked to this topic
- What are the likely effects of measures to increase quality in HE on applicant perceptions and graduate labour market outcomes?
- How do AI and other digital technologies support existing ways of working in schools and colleges? What are the main opportunities for the future?
- What are the challenges and opportunities for the UK HE sector to remain internationally competitive?
- What are the potential impacts of AI, and how can new technologies be used safely and effectively within education?
- How do wages of creative Higher Education graduates progress over time and what factors determine short and long-term wages? For example what factors can explain why arts and design graduates have some of the lowest earnings one and five years after graduation?
- How can we best support and promote mental health and wellbeing in schools, colleges and higher education?
- How effective have whole school/college approaches to improving student mental health and wellbeing been? What factors underpin the most effective whole school/college approaches? How can schools/colleges effectively measure the impact of these approaches?
- How has the increased accessibility of generative AI influenced HE and FE providers and students?
- What are the potential long-term opportunities and challenges of AI use in education at all stages?
- What is the social and developmental impact of culture and creative education at schools and higher education?
- How has the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) influenced the behaviour of students, providers and employers? To what extent has LLE promoted increased fluidity of study pathways between FE and HE?
- What are the organisational challenges and opportunities facing HE and FE institutions?
- What are the drivers of UK and foreign students’ decisions about pathways into and out of HE, including impact of funding, finance and experience?
- What is the extent of regulatory burden and data supply in the HE sector, and how could the regulatory approach be more effective and efficient?
- What are the best ways to ensure that AI is used safely, ethically, and in ways that protect the data and interests of children, young people, teachers, and schools and colleges? What forms of regulation and enforcement may be appropriate?
- What is the impact of under-attainment for disadvantaged students on future skills needs and participation in HE?