Economic conditions and history
Research Topic
Language: English
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Research problems linked to this topic
- Which statistical methods can help reconcile foreign investment and trade asymmetries between partner countries?
- How can various data sources inform how we identify, address and resolve market access barriers relating to goods, services and foreign investment?
- To what extent have investments in buildings/infrastructure (new buildings, expansion/maintenance or repurposing for cultural use) led to social and economic regeneration of an area?
- Which technologies are most likely to disrupt the pattern of global trade and investment in the coming decades and what impact will they have on productivity growth?
- What role does trade play in variation in sub-regional growth productivity and employment in the UK?
- What is the economic cost of loneliness?
- What challenges are posed by inflation in both demand and supply contexts?
- How can we best evaluate economic impact of including sectoral annexes to chapters in trade agreements?
- What are the social, economic, cultural and democratic impacts of national and local news provision in the UK? How can we best quantify and/or qualify the impact of national and local news provision? How do these impacts and benefits differ across different demographics and stakeholders?
- How can we evaluate additionality of government support in trade facilitation?
- To what extent can market access barriers in some sectors have wider impact on trade in other sectors?
- What evidence is there of the value of Government or transport operator investment in transport data assets or data projects?
- To what extent has COVID-19 and cost of living crisis impacted on the drivers for private giving and cultural organisations’ approach to donations?
- How do the public’s attitudes towards globalisation vary, and what drives these differences?
- What can comparative advantage tell us, in the context of production shifts arising from climate change?
- To what extent are the provisions in trade agreements utilised in practice? Which sectors or businesses are most likely to use them?
- How can artificial intelligence, machine learning, simulation, agent based modelling and other leading data science techniques contribute to better understanding of trade and investment patterns?
- How can we measure the impact of a trade agreement on value added trade? How does this differ by sector?
- How should the predictive accuracy of CGE models be assessed?
- How can we codify and measure the impact of non-regulatory barriers to trade, such as exchange rates, language, cultural, and geographical barriers?
- How effective is trade and investment policy in creating economic security and resilience that safeguards against shocks? What can we learn from comparing different country responses?
- What social and economic value does this sector provide?
- How has rising inflation impacted on the living standards for different groups?
- How can we best evaluate the impact of non-tariff, regulatory measures to trade in goods, including technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures?
- How can we value non-FTA agreements (including the Government Procurement Agreement and mutual recognition agreements), in terms of total impact?
- What specific trade and investment policy interventions are most effective in creating inclusive growth for both UK and developing countries?
- What can we learn about sequencing the levels of intervention and openness in an economy following a shock? How can economic theories, such as transition economics, inform this?
- Are digital markets, including digital intermediation services such as platforms, impacting creator remuneration, and if so how?
- How can we best measure the impact of large exporters at a sub-regional level (for example, agglomeration effects, supply chain effects)? How can we measure the structure and interactions in the supply chain in exporting sectors?
- What impact would the introduction of carbon border taxes have on regional trade flows?
- How can we quantify the impact of individual barriers on trade and investment?
- How can policy measures best encourage and support businesses to recover and return to international trade post-crisis, given differing attitudes to risk?
- How can we best model the impact of trade policy at a sub-national level (for example, by specific groups, sectors, and regions)?
- What are the best ways to measure business perceptions of risk in relation to exporting post COVID-19?
- What affects willingness to pay for news online? What types of content are different audience groups willing to pay for? In what ways are different audiences willing to pay (e.g. regular subscription, donation)? How does this change over time and what influences that change?
- In the event of a trade shock, how can data requirements for taking rapid decisions be met using real time indicators (RTIs) and non-traditional sources of data? How can data science evaluate and improve the quality and reliability of RTIs?
- What approaches can best measure injury to domestic producers from imports, in the context of targeting trade remedies? How can the direct and wider impacts of trade remedies be measured, including across sectors, regions and supply chains?
- What insights does the academic literature provide on the economics of trade remedies, and issues that have arisen in recent World Trade Organization (WTO) disputes, including subsidies and market distortions?
- How does investment and export promotion engage with varied supply chains, given small and medium enterprise internationalisation?
- What different patterns can be observed in trade and investment flows following exogenous shocks (such as COVID-19), compared to endogenous shocks (such as a financial shock) to the economy?
- How can we assess the longer-term structural changes to the global trading system following a shock, including the assessment of the long-term impacts of short-term responses to COVID-19?
- How do economic cycles affect employment, unemployment, economic activity and wages? How do any effects vary for different groups?
- What conclusions can be drawn from patterns of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard activity in previous business cycles? What lessons emerge from COVID-19 and recovery?
- Which elements of trade agreements have historically had the greatest impact on trade flows?
- How effective have existing trade agreements been in reducing the trade restrictiveness of non-tariff measures?
- How might COVID-19 shape wider social attitudes towards trade and investment?
- How can we effectively evaluate countries’ relative technology readiness levels (TRL), by technical area, sector and overall strategy? To what extent does the commercial, regulatory and legal environment impact on TRLs? To what extent can market access restrictions to some sectors have wider impacts on trade within other sectors?
- How can we measure the market access restrictiveness of a country from a UK perspective?
- What is the productivity premium on exporters versus non-exporters in the UK?
- To what extent are trade remedies effective in protecting domestic production and employment? How regionally specific is this relationship?
- What can international best practice tell us about using data to manage the shock and recovery?
- How are emerging digital services and technologies likely to affect the future of exports and supply chains across sectors?
- What is the effect on wages, employment and survival on UK exporters versus non exporters?
- How can comparative advantage inform future trade and investment interests across regions and sectors? What are the limits of comparative advantage here?
- How can we assess how much value is created in each stage of a global supply chain and how do “smile curves” vary across products and sectors? For example, how can we estimate the value of intellectual property within global supply chains?
- How do the public view the trade-offs that trade agreements bring, in relation to consumer choice, prices and employment by sector? How do these perceptions vary by partner country?
- What research techniques are most effective in evaluating how trade policy drives prosperity?
- How important are imports from developing countries for UK supply chains and what role can they play in diversification of supply chains?
- How can we best evaluate the trade restrictiveness of different categories of non-tariff measures (at both bilateral and multilateral levels, across goods, services and investment)?
- How can global demand shocks (including for emergency and medical supplies) be best modelled, accounting for uncertainty?
- What factors affect public perceptions of trade and how does this differ by specific groups, sectors and regions?
- What are the long-term impact of provisions that bind in existing market access and reduce uncertainty?