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Understanding the Occurrence and Characteristics of Jamais Vu in Bilingual Individuals: A Comparative Analysis between Native and Secondary Language Processing

Publication type:Research Problem
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This study intends to expand the research undertaken by Chris J. A. Moulin et al. (2021), which explored jamais vu induction through word alienation and semantic satiation, to multilingual persons. The major goal is to investigate how jamais vu develops in bilinguals during word alienation tasks, with a particular emphasis on the disparities in experience between their native and second languages. Understanding jamais vu in multilingual circumstances might shed light on the interactions between language processing and cognitive systems, with implications for memory and perception studies (Moulin et al., 2021). The phenomenon of jamais vu, defined by a sudden sensation of unfamiliarity towards a familiar word or phrase, has piqued the curiosity of multilingual persons.

The purpose of this study is to look at the prevalence and characteristics of jamais vu events in bilingual people, with a particular emphasis on how cognitive processes connected with second language learning may impact the manifestation of jamais vu. knowledge jamais vu in bilinguals can give information on the complexities of language processing and cognitive systems, potentially advancing our knowledge of memory and perception.


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