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“Single-Blind Experimental Case-Study on the Deviant Functionaries of the Revenue Department in the District Kathua-184101, Jammu and Kashmir, Republic of India February 2019 - May 2024”

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1.2 Research Methods:

1.2.1 Initial Discovery and Preliminary Inquiry

In February 2019, the Research Practitioner while documenting the problems of the village found that the migrant family was living in the dilapidated building situated in Kathera village Panchayat, Kathua. At first glance, anyone looking at the occupants was likely to presume that the persons living in the building might be the locals living in their house as the building had no signage board. However, experiential knowledge of the local culture regarding the dialect, dress pattern and the appearance of the occupants enabled the researcher to recognize that the occupants were not the native people and the distinctive architecture of the building and lack of perimeter wall, its location behind the House of Elected Village Representatives surrounded by other Government Buildings strongly indicated that it was situated on the Government land and belonged to certain department.

In order to cross-check the observation and inference, the researcher strategically approached the local people in the vicinity of the building and engaged them in the conversation regarding the ongoing Road Project before questioning them about the building, its occupants, and its purpose and custodian department.

1.2.2 Ethnographic Fieldwork and Acculturation

The researcher paid field visits to the village Kathera at an interval of four days with effect from February 2019 till March 2019. Each visit involved real-time participant observation of the village landscape and casual conversation with the people to explore the dynamics of the village, and the interactions between people and the institutions. To win confidence of the people, the researcher became an agent of change in solving the other problems of the Kathera regarding the absence of Medical Officer in the health dispensary run by Directorate of Indigenous System of Medicine, the inquiry regarding the anticipated implementation deviation from the Detailed Project Report by the Executive Engineer of the PMGSY (Prime Minister Grameen Sadak Yojana) Division, Kathua in the ongoing road project. Inquiry from the Block Development Officer regarding the supply of pavement tiles for a house in the village Sherkotla, assisting the Ration Dealer of Kathera to receive the additional monthly supply entitlement under the Mufti Mohammad Food Entitlement Scheme from the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumers Affairs. Doing all these community-centered activities enabled the researcher to effectively assimilate into the community and gain acceptance.

1.2.3 Informal Survey

The researcher conducted informal survey of cross section of the adult male population only due to the prevailing conservative patriarchal society to allow them to share their perspectives freely. The exclusion of the females from the survey was based on their inaccessibility and it was equally important to respect the local customs and tradition. This survey was conducted on the easily assessable subjects of village Kathera in addition to the easily assessable random male subjects belonging to village Fafal, Kumri, and Sherkotla.

1.2.4 Segmentation of the Stakeholders based on their characteristics and sanctioned power

To develop insights into the prevailing bystander effect, the researcher segmented all stakeholders into the five groups based on their common characteristics and sanctioned power to assess the underlying power dynamics fueled by the power. It served as a tool to measure the power of the different groups relative to the problem causal group and understand the inaction exercised by other groups over the past years. Additionally, it provided an opportunity to identify the independent assertive group members willing to participate in the study and feature themselves in the video clip to narrate the sufferings of the community due to the defunct Patwarkhana.

1.2.5 Identifying, selecting and raising the Community of Interest

The project necessitated the participation of the local victimized community to collect crucial qualitative evidence against the erring officials. The participant field ethnography enabled the researcher to identify, select and raise the community of interest. It consisted of the assertive members of the affected community willing to participate by featuring themselves in the video clip to narrate their sufferings caused by the defunct Patwarkhana (Office of the Village-level Revenue Accountant). Doing this required spending ample time with the potential members before planning their participation in the video recording.

1.2.6 Recording the video clip of the dilapidated-defunct and illegally occupied Patwarkhana (Office of the Village-level Revenue Accountant) and documenting the sufferings of the people

The researcher met the community of interest in accordance with the scheduled field visit. Before recording the video, the researcher obtained oral consent from all the adult participants and assured them that the recorded data would not be circulated in social media and shall exclusively be used to accentuate the lingering issue with the Government authorities. Participants were instructed to truthfully highlight the ground reality without any fear.

1.2.7 Preparation of the Evidence-Based Survey Report

The researcher prepared the factual survey report and assigned the cause of the defunct and illegally occupied Patwarkhana (Office of village-level revenue accountant) to the negligence of the revenue department. After uploading the recorded video on YouTube, the generated Uniform Resource Locator was embedded in the report. Only those who have access to the link could watch the video.

1.2.8 Primary Phase of the Single-Blind Experiment

The survey report was electronically shared with the Government of Jammu and Kashmir by uploading it on the website of Jammu & Kashmir Grievance Cell ( on March 23, 2019 and obtained the reference number. The portal then forwarded the report to the District Administration of Kathua (Revenue Department) on March 25, 2019. It was a tool to elicit a response from them and conduct the Single-Blind Field Experiment since they were unaware that their official conduct was under strict scientific scrutiny and analysis. It also obviated the need of separate applied action since experiment itself acted as a treatment that enabled the researcher to document the natural response of the experimental subjects. Additionally, it enabled the researcher to investigate the prevalent work culture and the underlying group dynamics within the department. It also curtailed the scope of the investigator bias because the outcome of the experiment in the form of persistence of the problem became the function of the experimental subjects. Moreover, it also provided an opportunity to the problem-causal group to refute the research report in case if it was false or biased.

1.2.9 Hierarchy and Functions of the Revenue Department in the District


Revenue has its presence in all the nook and corners of the District. The hierarchy of the Department is as such:

  • Deputy Commissioner

  • Additional Deputy Commissioner

  • Assistant Commissioner Revenue

  • Tehsildar

  • Naib Tehsildar

  • Girdawar

  • Patwari

The main functions of the Revenue Department

  1. Maintenance and updating and preservation of land records and consolidation of land holdings.

  2. Recovery of other Misc. loans, advances, outstanding declared as arrears of Land Revenue.

  3. To arrange land for Govt./Semi Govt. Departments for public purposes by way of Acquisition/allotment.

  4. To implement various Laws pertaining to land like Land Revenue Act etc. To protect Kahcharai and other State lands from encroachments/wrongful use. Disaster Management and incentive delivery.

  5. Relief & Rehabilitation works.

  6. Issuance of certificates such as PRC, RBA, OBC, ST, SC and LOC etc.

  7. Settlement of disputes pertaining to land.

  8. To carry out land Reforms & Settlement Operations.

  9. To register births & deaths in rural areas.

  10. Details of Grievance Redressal Mechanism and how to access the same

In Revenue Department grievance cells are already functional at Tehsil Level, Sub-Division Level, District Level, Division Level and State level.

Tehsil Level

The Tehsildar is hearing the General public during working hour every day. In his absence Naib Tehsildar attends to the public.

Sub Division Level

Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) is hearing public during working hour every day.

District Level

The Deputy Commissioner/Addl. Deputy Commissioner/ Assistant Commissioners are hearing the general public during office hours every day at District headquarter.

Expectation from citizen clients

The Department expects from the citizens their full cooperation to provide correct and authentic inputs to main correct record and issue various certificates to the eligible person by the Department.Besides the Department expects their cooperation to eradicate corruption at every level.

Source- Ramban District Administration of J&K (Accessed on September 25, 2022)

Note -All the content of the section 1.2.9 is retrieved from the source depicted above.

1.3.0 Meeting with the Block Development Officer Kathua to inquire the Handover status of the building of Patwarkhana situated in Village Kathera

To remove the strategic ambiguity created by the experimental subjects regarding the agency having the custodian of the building. It became necessary to meet the Block Development Officer, Kathua by paying a visit to his office on July 11, 2019 at 1345 Hours. Before beginning the informal interview, the interviewer sought permission to come into his cabin, then greeted him and provided background context about the problem and response received from the officers of the revenue department. Afterwards, the researcher inquired whether his office received any communication from the revenue officers to seek the custody of the building or not. After completing the interview the meeting concluded at 1415 Hours, and then interviewer expressed thanks to the interviewee for providing the needed information. To mark the visit, the researcher took the photograph of an official document (indent receipt) of the Block Development Officer.

1.3.1 Secondary Phase of the Single-Blind Experimentation

Analysis of the primary experimental results and holding the inquiry meet with the Block Development Officer provided factual insights and enabled the research practitioner to refute the false claims of the experimental subjects. The supplementary survey report reiterated the earlier findings and contested the biased response of the subjects by uploading a supplementary report on the website of the Jammu and Kashmir Grievance Cell ( on July 12, 2019. To manipulate them, the researcher used “Naming and Shaming” strategy for the desired experimental outcomes relative to the problem by naming the predecessors of the incumbent revenue officers and called them the mute spectator. Additionally, it sought the intervention of the sharp and unbiased senior-level official to operationalise the defunct and illegally occupied building of Patwarkhana. Officials of the grievance portal forwarded it to the revenue department, Kathua on July 18, 2019.

1.3.2 Monitoring the Implementation of the Directive issued by Deputy Commissioner, Kathua

Secondary Single-blind experimentation initially showed that the experimental subjects took the cognizance and Deputy Commissioner directed the Tehsildar Kathua vide letter number DCK/CMP/(Complaints)2019-20/513-14 on July 19, 2019 to take immediate necessary action. So, it was important to monitor the implementation and track the progress of the official directive and maintain a thorough vigilance on the administrative activities of the subjects in the field of investigation.

1.3.3 Field visit on June 26, 2020 in Village Kathera

The researcher travelled to the village Kathera to inquire the status of the problem of the defunct Patwarkhana (Office of the Village-level Revenue Accountant) and interacted with the community of interest.

1.3.4 Discussion with the Community of Interest on June 26, 2020

It involved holding a discussion with community of interest to inform them about the official directive given by the Deputy Commissioner, Kathua to the Tehsildar for necessary action regarding the defunct and illegally occupied Patwarkhana situated in the village and the subsequent inaction for eleven months. The purpose of the holding such deliberations was to plan the future course of action for the desired final outcome of the secondary phase of the Single-Blind Experimentation.

1.3.5 Field visit on July 12, 2020 to obtain the written statement of the affected Community

On July 12, 2020, Research practitioner visited the village Kathera in accordance with the pre-mediated plan. Upon reaching the village, the researcher met and greeted the community of interest and other people, took tea and snacks and paid the bill. Before obtaining their collective handwritten statement, the researcher instructed them to write the statement in the Hindi language to enable every signing person to comprehend the content and also assured them that the statement shall exclusively be used for the betterment of the community. They acknowledged and confirmed in writing the persistence of the defunct Patwarkhana due to the inaction and complacency of the district administration, Kathua.

1.3.6 Filing of case in National Human Rights Commission on July 13, 2020

It involves drafting the case after summarizing the findings of the primary experimentation results and filing the same on the portal of the National Human Rights Commission on July 13, 2020 and received the Case Diary No. 10384/IN/2020.

1.3.7 First Intervention of the National Human Rights Commission-New Delhi

The National Human Rights Commission-New Delhi registered the Case No. 114/9/7/2020 on September 17, 2020 and sought the Action Taken Report from the District Administration of Kathua regarding the defunct and illegally occupied Patwarkhana.

1.3.8 Monitoring the third phase of the Back to Village Programme (BTV3)

Under the third phase of the Back to Village Programme to improve the rural governance, the General District Administration of Kathua deployed officers of the different government departments to take a tour of the villages and bring the rural issues in the notice of the Deputy Commissioner for remedial action. The researcher monitored this phase to see the progress of the defunct and illegally occupied Patwarkhana in the village Kathera of District Kathua.

1.3.9 Post-Experimental Monitoring of the Administrative activities of the experimental subjects

After the negative final results of the secondary phase of Single Blind Experimentation, the deviant subjects exhausted their threshold limit to exercise arbitrariness and entrapped themselves as retracting from their official repeated apathetic statement became impossible for them. So, the researcher decided to maintain a keen vigilance on the current administrative activities on the rural governance.

1.4.0 Second Intervention of the National Human Rights Commission-New Delhi

The National Human Rights Commission-New Delhi registered the Case No. 114/9/7/2020 on August 17, 2021 and sought the Action Taken Report from the District Administration of Kathua regarding the defunct and illegally occupied Patwarkhana

1.4.1 Obtaining the Official Rebuttal from the Executive Engineer, PMGSY, Kathua on December 24, 2021, Regarding the Stay of Officials in Patwarkhana, Village Kathera

In the previous two phases of the Single blind experimentation (2019 - 2021), the deviant subjects (officers of the revenue department) were repeatedly lied and falsely implicated the PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana) officials claiming they were living in Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant) in Kathera. These officers exercised arbitrariness to cover up their collective negligence and were connived hierarchically. Thus, it was crucial to dismiss their response, which required obtaining an official rebuttal from the Executive Engineer, PMGSY, Kathua on December 24, 2021. Moreover, it was equally important to break the effect of double-bind response of the experimental subjects and collect qualitative evidence against them.

To achieve this, a fee of Rs.50/- was deposited in the 0070 Account Head in the Government treasury and the receipt was obtained. After drafting the formal request and annexing it with the treasury receipt, the researcher personally visited the office of the Executive Engineer, located opposite Government Higher Secondary School, Kathua. The request was filed under the Right to Information Act, 2005 and the acknowledgement slip was obtained.

Figure: 1 Source- Receipt issued by the J&K Treasury Department, Kathua on December 12, 2021

Figure: 2(a) Source- Research Practitioner sought the above Information from the PMGSY Kathua (Agency of Public Works Department (Roads and Building) on December 24, 2021.

Figure: 2(b) Source- Acknowledgement received from P.M.G.S.Y Division Kathua on December 24, 2021

1.4.2 Field Visit to Village Kathera on January 23, 2022

After obtaining the official rebuttal from the Executive Engineer, PMGSY Kathua, on January 15, 2022, regarding the stay of their officials in the defunct building of Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant) in village Kathera, It became necessary to investigate the current status of illegal stay of the occupants in the building of Patwarkhana. Thus, the Research Practitioner travelled to the village on January 23, 2022, took photographs and conducted an in-person inquiry with the community of interest.

1.4.3 Tertiary Phase of the Single-Blind Experimentation

The deviant subjects of the revenue department in Kathua had exhausted their threshold limit in the previous two phases of experimentation (2019-2021) by repeatedly exercising arbitrariness and collusion, characterized by persistent deliberate inaction regarding the defunct Patwarkhana in the village of Kathera. Furthermore, they entrapped themselves by passing a directive for necessary action initially in the secondary phase of the experimentation, and later gave the same response as in the final results of the Primary phase of the experimentation. By doing so, they dismissed their own directive, and the problem remained unresolved.

Post experimental surveillance of the administrative activities of the deviant subjects, along with the official rebuttal given by the Executive Engineer of PMGSY Kathua provided qualitative evidence against them. This enabled the Research Practitioner to conduct final experiment with the desired results.

This phase involved exerting more control on the experiment by strategically applying independent variables to create a Prisoner’s Dilemma for the powerful deviant subjects. Doing this required creating a real-life situation and making them share evidence against the incumbents and their predecessors for their collective wrongdoings and professional misconduct responsible for the defunct and illegally occupied building of Patwarkhana, Kathera.

The situation for them was like- If they provide documentary evidence to the experimenter about the past two phases of the Single-Blind experimentation, then the incumbents and predecessors of the experimental group would become legal offenders. On the other hand, if they suppress the requisite documents and form a collaboration to protect their collective interests and departmental image, it would be beneficial for them and vice-versa. In the previous two phases of the experimentation (2019-2021), the deviant group exhibited a high degree of group affinity characterized by their collusion, complacency, apathy and inaction. Hence, it was likely to remain constant in the final phase of the experiment. However, the trail of qualitative evidence collected against them in form of application of the independent variables was guaranteed to give a desired outcome after triangulating them.

About the Prisoner’s Dilemma

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is a game theory thought experiment involving two rational agents who can either cooperate for mutual benefit or betray each other for individual reward. It was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher in 1950 while they worked at the RAND Corporation. Albert W. Tucker later formalized the game by structuring the rewards in terms of prison sentences and named it the “prisoner’s dilemma”. This concept models many real-world situations involving strategic behavior. Source: Flood, M., & Dresher, M. (1950).” Prisoner’s Dilemma.” RAND Corporation

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is an imaginary situation employed in game theory. In one version, two prisoners are accused of a crime. If one confesses and the other does not, the confessing prisoner will be released immediately, while the other will spend 20 years in prison. If neither confesses, both will be held for only a few months. However, if both confess, they will each be jailed for 15 years. Paradoxically, pursuing self-interest leads to a worse outcome for both prisoners than cooperation would have.

Prisoner's dilemma

Figure: 3 Source-

To achieve this, a fee of Rs.50 was deposited in Account Head 0070 in the Government treasury on February 23, 2022, and the receipt was obtained. After drafting the questionnaire and attaching it to the treasury receipt, the researcher personally visited the Office of the Deputy Commissioner Kathua on February 28, 2022 and submitted the request under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The request was submitted in Room No-3, Ground Floor of the District Secretariat.

It is pertinent to mention here that the experimental subjects were the offenders. Seeking information from them by request was invalid (void ab initio) from the outset due to the applicability of the rule against bias enshrined in the principles of natural justice. This principle prohibits a person or group of persons from adjudication on the issues in which they are guilty, given the conflict of interests. Moreover, no person or group of persons regardless of their ranks can be offenders, abettors, sustainers, and judges. To read the Principles of Natural Justice, one can click on the hyperlink of the following Uniform Resource Locator:

338_Introduction_To_Law_Eng_L6.pdf (

Figure:4 Source- Revenue Receipt No. 14616 obtained by received by Research Practitioner from the Department of Treasury, Kathua on February 23, 2022.

Figure: 5 Source- Research Practitioner

Figure: 6 (a) Details of the Information sought

Figure: 6(b) Details of Information sought

Figure: 6(c) Details of Information sought

Figure-6 (d) Source- Acknowledgement receipt No.5522 provided by the staff of Deputy Commissioner, Kathua on February 28, 2022

1.4.4 Final Post-experimental Monitoring Phase

Concluding the study based on the confirmation of functioning of the defunct Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant) on March 31,2022 given by the experimental subjects (Deviant revenue functionaries) was unscientific keeping in view their professional misconduct and inaction documented in the three concluded phases of the Single-blind experimentation (March 2019-March 2022). Therefore, it was crucial to monitor the real time functioning of the Patwarkhana and simultaneously maintain vigilance on the administrative activities of the subjects for two more years (2022-24). Moreover, it was also important to collect more evidence and conclude the study with facts-based ground realities.

1.4.5 Obtaining the latest Official Rebuttal from the Executive Engineer, PMGSY, Kathua on April 1, 2022, regarding the Stay of officials in Patwarkhana, Village Kathera after finding an anomaly in the earlier reply

It was crucial to obtain the unambiguous response. The Executive Engineer, in letter no. EE/PMGSY/KUA/2013 Dated January 15, 2022, confirmed that there was no PMGSY official was living in the Patwarkhana of Kathera village. However, the letter did not explicitly state whether any official lived in the building from 2017 to 2022. Research Practitioner paid a fee of Rs. 50/- via Cheque, annexed it with below drafted request and submitted it to the office of Executive Engineer on April 1, 2022 under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The drafted request and acknowledgement receipt received are provided below:

Figure: 7 [Page 1 of 2 Source: Information sought by Researcher from PMGSY Division Kathua for clarification on April 1, 2022].

Figure: 67[Page 2 of 2 Source: Information sought by Researcher from PMGSY Division Kathua for clarification on April1, 2022].

Figure: 8 [Source: Acknowledgement Provided by PMGSY Department Kathua on

April1, 2022]

1.4.6 Inquiry with the Block Development Officer of the Rural Development Department, Kathua, regarding the year of the construction of the Patwarkhana in Village Kathera on April 9, 2022

After the refusal of the experimental subjects to disclose the year of construction of Patwarkhana in Village Kathera, the Research Practitioner drafted a request, annexed a cheque of Rs.50, and visited the office to submit the request under the Right to Information Act, 2005 on April 9, 2022.

After reaching the office, the researcher found that all staff members were absent from duty after lunch hours. On the insistence of the researcher, the only available orderly called the Block Development Officer on his mobile number and sought directions. The letter then instructed the orderly to forward the documents to his Whatsapp number and directed him to issue the acknowledgement, mentioning the orderly’s designation on the receipt after affixing the official seal of the Block Development Officer with a date. The detailed request and the acknowledgement receipt are given below.

Figure: 9 [Page 1 of 2 of sought information from Rural Development

Department on April 9, 2022 (Block Development Officer Kathua)]

Figure: 9[Page 2 of 2 of sought information from Rural Development

Department on April 9, 2022 (Block Development Officer Kathua)]

Figure: 10 [Acknowledgement received from Rural Development Department on April 9, 2022 (Block Development Officer Kathua)]

1.4.7 Estimation about the year of construction of Patwarkhana in Kathera village

The refusal of the Block Development Officer to share the year of construction of Patwarkhana in village Kathera was due to his collusion with the officials of revenue department. It was their collective strategy to cover up their professional negligence and misconduct by suppressing the official records. Thus, the research practitioner was forced to estimate the age of the building based on the survey conducted during the field ethnography and circumstantial evidence.

1.4.8 Order of the Jammu and Kashmir Government for the Bio-metric Attendance of the Field Functionaries in the Field Offices on June 2, 2022

On June 2, 2022, The General Administration Department of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir issued an order no. 651-JK (GAD) of 2022 and passed the instructions to all the Administrative Secretaries/Head of Departments. The Directive mandates the implementation of bio-metric attendance for field functionaries including Patwaris, Panchayat Secretaries, Police Personnel, and Beat Guards etc. across the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. This implementation will be facilitated through information technology-based tools within a four-week timeframe. The detailed order copy is provided below.

Figure: 11 Source: Data Retrieved by Research Practitioner from the website of the Jammu & Kashmir General Administration Department (

1.4.9 Field Visit to Village Kathera on June 3, 2022 to monitor the real-time functioning of Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant)

On June 3, 2022, Research Practitioner travelled to village Kathera to witness the operational status of the Patwarkhana Building. During the visit, the researcher had an informal meeting with the community of interest and he recorded the video of the Patwarkhana and uploaded it on YouTube on June, 3, 2022.

1.5.0 Third Intervention of the National Human Rights Commission-New Delhi on August 26, 2022

The National Human Rights Commission-New Delhi registered the Case No. 114/9/7/2020 on August 26, 2022 and sought the Action Taken Report from the District Administration of Kathua regarding the defunct and illegally occupied Patwarkhana

1.5.1 Requesting for the closure of the Case No.114/9/7/2020 on October 8, 2022 regarding the defunct and illegally occupied Patwarkhana in Kathera village by sharing the official confirmation given by the experimental subjects about the functioning of Patwarkhana

In the light of the inefficient results on the deviant behavior of the experimental subjects during the past three phases of single-blind experimentation and three notices served by National Human Rights Commission-New Delhi (2019-2022). It was clear that the subjects had no regards for the Human Rights. Despite the notices, they did not respond. The application of this independent variable before the final results of the secondary phase of the experimentation was meant to positively influence the outcome, but it proved to be entirely inefficient. Consequently, the research practitioner drafted a request to the National Human Rights Commission and shared the confirmation given by the experimental subjects regarding the functioning of the Patwarkhana on October 8, 2022. The purpose of the request was to seek the closure of the case, thereby conserving the Commission’s precious resources and time. Below is the copy of the request sent to the NHRC-New Delhi.

Figure: 12 Request sent to National Human Rights Commission by the Research Practitioner on October 10, 2022 to close Case No. 114/9/7/2020

1.5.2 Field Visit to Village Kathera on November 21, 2022 to monitor the real-time functioning of Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant)

On November 21, 2022, Researcher visited the Patwarkhana of Kathera village and recorded the video and took photographs of the building during the official hours. Afterwards, he met with community of interest to inquire the official movement of any revenue functionary in the building of Patwarkhana.

1.5.3 Field Visit to Village Kathera on December 9, 2022, on the International Anti-Corruption Day to monitor the functioning of Patwarkhana (Office of the Village-level Revenue Accountant)

On December 9, 2022, the Research Practitioner visited village Kathera to assess the real-time functioning of the Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant) in observance of International Anti-Corruption Day. During the visit, photographs of the building were taken.

1.5.4 Obtaining telephonic reports on quarterly basis from the Community of Interest regarding the functioning of Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level accountant) in village Kathera

The persistence of the defunct Patwarkhana in the Kathera village, despite official confirmation given by the experimental subjects on March 31, 2022, discouraged the community and research practitioner coupled with feelings of helplessness and despair. Consequently, based on the suggestion of Community of Interest, the research practitioner decided to obtain telephonic reports throughout 2023 regarding the functioning of Patwarkhana.

1.5.5 Field Visit to Village Kathera on January 25, 2024 to inquire the functioning of Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant)

On January 25, 2024, the Research Practitioner conducted a field to village Kathera to investigate the functioning of the Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant). Following the inquiry with Community of Interest, photographs of the building were captured to mark the visit.

1.5.6 Final Field Visit to Village Kathera on May 15, 2024 to inquire the final outcome of the confirmation shared by the experimental subjects regarding the functioning of Patwarkhana on March 31, 2022

In the final visit to Village Kathera on May 15, 2024, the Research Practitioner sought to confirm the final outcome related to the functioning of Patwarkhana (Office of the village-level revenue accountant). This confirmation was based on the Official statements provided by the experimental subjects (Officials from the revenue department, Kathua) during the Tertiary phase of the Single-Blind Field Experimentation. During the visit, the researcher expressed gratitude to the community of interest, obtained consent for publishing the research project spanning from February 2019 to May 2024, and collected photographic evidence.


This Research project titled "Single-Blind Experimental Case-Study on the Deviant Functionaries of the Revenue Department in the District Kathua-184101, Jammu and Kashmir, Republic of India February 2019 - May 2024” has been funded by Council for Research on Sociological Problems and Mitigation Studies( under the project grant number SBECS/01/2019-24

Conflict of interest

This Method does not have any specified conflicts of interest.