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ContractIQ: Where Contracts Meet Intelligence

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ContractIQ: Where Contracts Meet Intelligence

Abdul Kalal

Ayman Ilyas Bagban

Sutej Kulkarni

Syed Ayman Peerzade

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Gogte Institute Of Technology, Belgaum, India

Asst. Prof Sudha V S

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Gogte Institute Of Technology, Belgaum, India

Author Note

Abdul Kalal, Ayman Ilyas Bagban, Sutej Kulkarni, and Syed Ayman Peerzade are students in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum, India. The authors would like to acknowledge the valuable guidance and support provided by Prof. Sudha Salake, their project advisor, throughout the development of this project.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to any of the following email addresses: Abdul Kalal (, Ayman Ilyas Bagban (, Sutej Kulkarni (, or Syed Ayman Peerzade (

Abstract is an innovative AI-powered platform designed to streamline the contract management process by automating the summarization, question answering, and risk analysis of contracts and PDF documents. Leveraging advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, offers users the ability to upload contracts or PDFs and receive concise summaries, relevant answers to questions, and comprehensive risk analyses in real-time.

The platform features a user-friendly interface where users can easily upload contracts or PDF documents and interact with the system to obtain summaries or ask questions related to the content. Upon receiving user requests, processes the documents using AI algorithms to generate accurate and informative summaries, provide precise answers to user queries, and conduct thorough risk analyses to identify potential areas of concern or high-risk clauses.

To ensure efficient and secure data management, utilizes MongoDB as its database solution. MongoDB enables the platform to store, retrieve, and manage the uploaded documents seamlessly, supporting the system's functionalities and enhancing the user experience.

By automating and optimizing the contract management process, empowers businesses and individuals to save time, reduce manual efforts, and make informed decisions based on comprehensive insights extracted from their contracts and documents.


In today's fast-paced business environment, effective contract management is crucial for ensuring compliance, minimizing risks, and facilitating successful business operations. However, the manual review, analysis, and interpretation of complex contractual agreements can be a daunting and time-consuming task, often requiring significant resources and expertise. emerges as a cutting-edge solution to address these challenges by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies to revolutionize the way contracts and PDF documents are managed, analyzed, and understood. is an innovative and user-centric platform designed to automate and streamline the entire contract management lifecycle. By integrating advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, machine learning models, and a robust MongoDB database, offers a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools that enable businesses and individuals to simplify the process of contract summarization, question answering, and risk analysis.

Fig 1.1 Contract life Cycle

The platform's intuitive user interface allows users to effortlessly upload contracts or PDF documents and interact with the system to obtain concise summaries, obtain answers to specific questions related to the contract content, and receive comprehensive risk analyses highlighting potential areas of concern or high-risk clauses. This automated approach significantly reduces the manual efforts required for contract review and interpretation, allowing users to save valuable time, reduce operational costs, and make more informed decisions based on accurate and actionable insights extracted from their contractual agreements.

By harnessing the capabilities of AI and machine learning, empowers businesses and individuals to optimize their contract management workflows, mitigate potential risks, and enhance compliance with contractual obligations and regulatory requirements. Moreover, the platform's scalable architecture and seamless integration with MongoDB ensure efficient and secure data management, supporting the system's advanced functionalities and facilitating future scalability and expansion to meet the evolving needs of its growing user base.

In summary, represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field of contract management, offering a revolutionary approach to contract analysis and interpretation that combines the precision and efficiency of AI technology with the convenience and accessibility of a user-friendly platform. By providing users with the tools and insights they need to navigate the complexities of contractual agreements with ease and confidence, is poised to transform the way organizations and individuals manage and optimize their contract management processes in the digital age.

Keywords: Contract management, AI, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning.

Fig 1.2 Traditional contract Lifecycle Fig 1.3 Contract.IQ


  1. System Architecture: The system architecture of is designed to efficiently handle data flows and interactions between components, including user interfaces, AI engines, and databases. The architecture incorporates FastAPI, a modern web framework for building APIs with Python, to facilitate seamless communication between the frontend and backend components. Additionally, utilizes the Gemini API for AI integration, enabling advanced natural language processing capabilities for contract summarization, question answering, and risk analysis.

Fig 2.1 System Architecture

  1. UML Diagrams

1.Use Case Diagrams:

The Use Case Diagram of illustrates the interactions between users and system components, including the AI & NLP Engine powered by the Gemini API. Users can upload contracts, generate summaries, ask questions, and conduct risk analysis through the intuitive user interface, while the AI & NLP Engine processes the requests and interacts with the MongoDB database to provide accurate results.

Use Cases:

Upload Contract: Allows users to upload contract documents to the system.

Generate Summary: Automatically generates a concise summary of the uploaded contract.

Answer Questions: Enables users to ask specific questions related to the contract content and receive precise answers.

Conduct Risk Analysis: Performs comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential areas of concern or high-risk clauses in the contracts.

The Use Case Diagram illustrates the flow of interactions between the user and the system, highlighting the main functionalities offered by the system and the actors involved in each use case.

Fig 2.2 Use case Diagram

2. Class Diagram

The Class Diagram represents the static structure of, showcasing the relationships between different classes and components within the system. It illustrates how data is organized and manipulated, with FastAPI facilitating the communication between frontend and backend components, and MongoDB serving as the database for storing contract documents and user data.

Fig 2.2 Class Diagram

3. Sequence Diagram:-

The Sequence Diagram of captures the dynamic behavior of the system during specific use cases, such as contract upload, summary generation, question answering, and risk analysis. It outlines the sequence of interactions between the user interface, FastAPI endpoints, AI & NLP Engine, and

Sequence Diagram Explanation:


User: Represents the end-user who interacts with the system.

Application Layer: Represents the middle-tier component responsible for processing user requests, executing business logic, and interfacing with the database.

AI & NLP Engine: Represents the core component responsible for contract summarization, question answering, and risk analysis.

Database (MongoDB): Represents the back-end component that stores and manages contract documents, user data, and system configurations.


Upload Contract:

The User initiates the process by uploading a contract through the User Interface.

The Application Layer receives the request and triggers the AI & NLP Engine to process the uploaded contract.

The AI & NLP Engine communicates with the Database to store the uploaded contract for further processing.

Generate Summary:

The AI & NLP Engine retrieves the uploaded contract from the Database.

The AI & NLP Engine processes the contract content and generates a summary.

The generated Summary is stored in the Database linked to the corresponding contract.

Answer Questions:

The User submits specific questions related to the contract content through the User Interface.

The Application Layer receives the questions and queries the AI & NLP Engine for answers.

The AI & NLP Engine retrieves the relevant contract content from the Database and generates precise answers to the user's questions.

The generated Answers are sent back to the User Interface for display to the user.

Conduct Risk Analysis:

The AI & NLP Engine retrieves the uploaded contract from the Database.

The AI & NLP Engine analyzes the contract content to identify potential areas of concern or high-risk clauses.

The Risk Analysis Report is generated and stored in the Database linked to the corresponding contract.

Fig 2.3 Sequence Diagram


A.Programming Language: is developed primarily using Python, leveraging the FastAPI framework for building APIs and web applications. Additionally, JavaScript is used for frontend development with React.js, while MongoDB serves as the non-relational database for storing contract and user details.

B.Methods Used:

The methodologies employed in include Node.js for server-side JavaScript execution, Express.js for web server functionalities, and TailwindCSS for designing components to enhance the user interface.


ContractIQ Dashboard

Fig 4.1 contract dashboard

Contract details

Fig 4.2 Contract details

ContractIQ SignUp page

Fig 4.3 Contract iq signUp


In conclusion, represents a significant advancement in contract management technology, leveraging AI, machine learning, and FastAPI to automate and streamline contract summarization, question answering, and risk analysis processes. The integration of FastAPI and the Gemini API enhances the system's capabilities, enabling users to efficiently manage contracts and make informed decisions based on actionable insights extracted from their documents.

The system's modular architecture, intuitive user interface, and advanced AI & NLP capabilities enable users to easily upload contracts, generate concise summaries, ask specific questions, and conduct comprehensive risk analyses, streamlining the contract management process, enhancing productivity, and mitigating potential risks and challenges associated with contract interpretation and analysis.

Future Scope:

While the system has achieved significant milestones in automating and enhancing the contract management process, there are several opportunities and areas for future enhancement, innovation, and expansion to further optimize the system's capabilities, performance, and user experience:

Enhanced AI & NLP Capabilities :Explore and integrate advanced AI & NLP algorithms and techniques to enhance contract summarization, question answering, and risk analysis accuracy, efficiency, and scalability.

Implement machine learning and deep learning models to improve the system's learning capabilities, adaptability, and predictive analytics in contract analysis and interpretation.

Integration with Blockchain Technology: Explore and implement blockchain technology to enhance the security, transparency, and traceability of contract documents and transactions, ensuring data integrity, authenticity, and immutability in contract management.

Advanced Security Features: Enhance the system's security mechanisms, protocols, and compliance to address evolving cybersecurity threats, regulations, and standards, ensuring continuous protection, confidentiality, and compliance in handling sensitive contract documents and data.

Multi-Language Support and Globalization: Expand the system's language capabilities and localization support to cater to global users and markets, ensuring inclusivity, accessibility, and user satisfaction across different languages, regions, and cultures.

Integration with E-Signature and Workflow Automation Tools :Integrate with e-signature


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