298 resultsResearch ProblemHow should the way airports slots be allocated be reformed to make more efficient use of constrained airport capacity and support achievement of the Government’s wider objectives?Grow and level up the economyPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow will new and emerging technology assist in reducing construction costs for road schemes? Grow and level up the economyPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemWhat are sustainable business models for autonomous/highly automated transport for each mode?Grow and level up the economyPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow will societal and economic changes vary regionally and how will they affect the financial health of the transport system? What do these changes mean for the funding model of public transport? Will a fundamentally different approach be required to funding public transport? Grow and level up the economyPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemWhat is the current audience understanding and levels of awareness, attitudes and claimed behaviour of the THINK! road safety campaign, as well as brand recognition. How has campaign activity impacted on KPIs?Improve transport for the userPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow can we improve the design of vehicles, and other transport modes, to meet the needs of disabled people better? Including those who fall into other protected characteristic groupsImprove transport for the userPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemWhat is the impact of the digitisation of information on transport services on disabled passengers?Improve transport for the userPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow could modern materials and construction techniques be used to improve both the safety and, through weight reduction, the productivity of dangerous goods tanks? Improve transport for the userPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemWhat are the key factors regarding public trust on autonomous systems?Improve transport for the userPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow can quantum based cyber security systems protect the transport sector beyond that of current classical cyber security?Improve transport for the userPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow will consumer preference and demand for sustainable modes and products develop? Improve transport for the userPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow can new technologies and approaches be applied to enhance the cyber security of transport systems, including points of interconnection, autonomous transport, and commercial space flight? How does increased cyber-reliance in transport systems reduce our resilience to or increase the impact of an attack or major catastrophe?Improve transport for the userPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow can the vulnerability and role of habitats alongside transport infrastructure be better understood regarding climate change, pests, and disease? How can we increase resilience?Reduce environmental impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow can monitoring and weather forecasting techniques be improved and implemented to reduce the impacts of climate change on transport infrastructure?Reduce environmental impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow can the effectiveness of adaptation programmes within the transport infrastructure industry be measured and evaluated?Reduce environmental impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow can information on the safety of motorcycle helmets and new cars be used to assist consumers to make better choices and choose safer products? Which regulatory compliant motorcycle helmets and cars on the UK market offer the best, and which offer the poorest levels of safety in the event of a road collision?Reduce environmental impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow can maritime and shipping contribute to the UK goal of net zero GHG emissions by 2050 and the goals of the UK Clean Air Strategy, while capturing the green-growth potential?Reduce environmental impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemWhat are public and industry attitudes to reducing maritime emissions? What factors influence industry decision making on whether to reduce maritime emissions?Reduce environmental impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemHow does access to off-street parking vary by local areas? What proportions of households regularly park their vehicle off-street, in front of their house, on their street and how does it vary by local authorities?Reduce environmental impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)Research ProblemWhat are the factors that affect electrified vehicle battery performance and degradation? What are the methods for assessing battery health?Reduce environmental impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Transport (UK)