61 resultsResearch ProblemHow does PIP assessment (and reassessment) affect people?Enable disabled people and people with health conditions to start, stay, and succeed in work, and get financial supportPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemWhat are the root causes of complaints and disputes? What issues cause customers to be most dissatisfied with DWP?Deliver high quality services, tackle fraud and maximise value for money for the taxpayer.Published November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemWhat are the longer-term impacts and consequences on the labour market and on productivity of policies introduced to address the challenges of COVID-19?Maximise employment, reduce economic inactivity, and support the progression of those in workPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow can DWP best support places, regions and sectors in levelling up? What approaches work best in addressing employment skills development, employment skills shortages and employment skills mismatches across the UK?Maximise employment, reduce economic inactivity, and support the progression of those in workPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemWhat is most effective in preventing people from falling out of the labour market? Does this differ for different groups? Who is best placed to deliver support?Maximise employment, reduce economic inactivity, and support the progression of those in workPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemIn what ways do housing circumstances affect the way people move into, and remain in, work? What role is played in labour market outcomes by temporary accommodation, housing affordability, poor quality housing, insecure accommodation and the private and social rented sectors?Maximise employment, reduce economic inactivity, and support the progression of those in workPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemWhat are the different ways to define and measure labour market progression and sustainable work? How does this vary by life stage and group? What are the implications for targeted policy measures in terms of health, employment and wellbeing outcomes?Maximise employment, reduce economic inactivity, and support the progression of those in workPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemWhat are the causes/drivers of the ethnic minority employment gap? What are the barriers to entry and progression in the labour market for ethnic minorities?Maximise employment, reduce economic inactivity, and support the progression of those in workPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow might employers optimise job design and hybrid and flexible working arrangements to manage risks, accommodate employee care needs and build soft skills and team working to maintain attachment to the labour market?Maximise employment, reduce economic inactivity, and support the progression of those in workPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow can Work Coaches most effectively use available support to promote movement into work and progression in work? How can DWP most effectively learn from, and promote, best practice across the Work Coach network?Maximise employment, reduce economic inactivity, and support the progression of those in workPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow can DWP and its partners maximise sustainable compliance with child maintenance arrangements?Deliver financial support to people who are entitled to itPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow does the most appropriate support (financial and non-financial) vary by groups? Including younger and older people, those from different minority ethnic groups, refugees, ex-service personnel, women, parents, victims of domestic abuse and those with complex needs, mental health conditions or homelessness?Deliver financial support to people who are entitled to itPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow can DWP ensure all those entitled to claim benefits or access DWP services are reached? What barriers to accessing support services are faced by individuals from disadvantaged groups?Deliver financial support to people who are entitled to itPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow can the debt recovery system best identify & protect vulnerable households, and consider financial stability & resilience and sustainable repayments?Deliver financial support to people who are entitled to itPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow have disabled people been affected by the recent Cost of Living challenges, compared with non-disabled people, and have they sought out extra resources to help them cope?Enable disabled people and people with health conditions to start, stay, and succeed in work, and get financial supportPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow can DWP support carers in their caring roles? Including any return to work or progression in the labour market?Enable disabled people and people with health conditions to start, stay, and succeed in work, and get financial supportPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow can DWP enhance its understanding of the most appropriate measures of independent living?Enable disabled people and people with health conditions to start, stay, and succeed in work, and get financial supportPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemHow does financial insecurity impact later life and retirement? Who is financially insecure over the life-course? Who should prioritise short-term income over long-term pension saving?Support financial resilience in later lifePublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemWhat are the best ways to design systems and policy to minimise fraud and error, while maintaining excellent and accessible services? How can DWP maintain the right level of customer service and support, whilst keeping pace with the propensity to commit fraud and tackling new forms of fraud? What future functionality will DWP need to do this? How can the use of technological solutions including machine learning, network analysis and AI be maximised?Deliver high quality services, tackle fraud and maximise value for money for the taxpayer.Published November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)Research ProblemWhat will be the future level and mix of demand for different DWP services through different channels, (digital/online and video, phone, face-to-face)? Does effectiveness vary for different groups? How effective are digital/virtual services (for example labour market support, drug and alcohol interventions, parenting interventions) compared to face-to-face provision, in helping people move into work?Deliver high quality services, tackle fraud and maximise value for money for the taxpayer.Published November 25, 2024, by Department for Work and Pensions (UK)