511 resultsResearch ProblemSectors: Which sectors are more likely to benefit from AI and which are more at risk from the downsides?Artificial Intelligence - The impact of AI on the UK labour marketPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemHow can we better understand the barriers to AI adoption?Artificial Intelligence - Other impacts of AI on economy and societyPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemWhat impact do UK research professionals and academics have overseas?International Research and Innovation - Monetising international R&I impactsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemOptimisation of strategy and priority setting institutions and governance in the RDI system: Do we have the right institutional model for strategy and priority setting at all levels across the UK RDI system to deliver the ambitions of the Science and Technology framework?Science, Research and Innovation - Strategic RDI researchPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemCompetitive Advantage: How does the UK RDI performance compare internationally? Which sectors need the most support?Science, Research and Innovation - RDI trendsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemInnovation clusters: Where are UK RDI clusters and what are the associated skills and investment in these clusters?Science, Research and Innovation - RDI and Levelling UpPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemHow can government effectively champion UK-led space science, exploration and innovation which expands our horizons and inspires the next generation?Space - Growing the UK as a science and technology superpowerPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemWe are interested in estimates of the size of the future market for particular technologies.Technologies and Innovative Regulation - International comparisonsPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemDetailed data on uptake and access of medicines and medical technologies at the level of each commissioning unit.Government Office for Life Sciences - NHS Innovation, Uptake and AccessPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemWe would like to understand the extent to which capital allowance rules and the overall corporate tax burden affects investment decisions in the sector.Government Office for Life Sciences - Investment - Business environmentPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemTo what extent is wide-spread connectivity contributing to a growth in digital citizenship? How can we determine what is attributable to BDUK’s interventions and monetise their benefits?Building Digital UK - Impacts and usage of improved fixed connectivityPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research Problem"How can benefits of 4G mobile connectivity be monetised for areas where very few people live? Are there international examples, such as national parks from across the world, that are comparable?"Building Digital UK - Impacts and usage of improved fixed connectivityPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research Problem"What is the interaction between mobile and fixed connectivity? What is the role of 4G mobile connectivity in people’s online access compared to broadband/fixed access? Are there certain benefits or disbenefits which are only achieved with both mobile and fixed connectivity?"Building Digital UK - Impacts and usage of improved fixed connectivityPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemWhat is the nature of the relationship between data and productivity? How does this influence business motivation to share/use data? Data Policy - Drivers of data usePublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemWhat are the data protection and competition/innovation implications of changes to cookie architecture? What might be the impact for businesses that rely on cookies as part of their business model?Data Policy - CompetitionPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemIdentifying the distribution of productivity benefits from telecoms infrastructure investment (fixed and wireless): (i) to what extent can, or has, telecoms investment reduce(d) the difference in productivity between areas of the UK? (ii) what is the impact of telecoms infrastructure on the differences in productivity between firms within sectors (e.g. can it help address the issue of ‘long-tail’ of low productivity firms)? And how do the productivity impacts differ between different industries? (iii) what are the barriers to scaling up wireless enterprise applications for growth and how are they changing? (iv) How do productivity impacts vary across public mobile networks, private mobile networks (e.g. private 5G) and fixed networks including the role of Wi-Fi? For further relevant questions on productivity see BDUK section 9.Digital Infrastructure - High capacity fixed and wireless networks adoptionPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemIllustrate what a strong telecoms security and resilience sector will look like in the next 5-10 years: Include what challenges future networks face and identify how best these can be mitigated. Additionally, how will new technology, market changes and shifts in the geopolitical environment impact security and resilience in the telecoms sector. How are changes in the value chain for ‘telecoms’ driving market dynamics and how is that likely to change.Digital Infrastructure - Network Security and ResiliencePublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemHow does the UK’s approach to telecoms resilience compare to other countries approaches? This includes power resilience of the telecoms network.Digital Infrastructure - Network Security and ResiliencePublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemWhat factors drive fragmentation and consolidation, respectively, in internet architecture and the international digital space?International and Economic Security - International trends and competitionPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)Research ProblemHow career pathways for geospatial skills are changing, and which new skills the geospatial workforce needs?Geospatial Commission - Build confidence in the future geospatial ecosystemPublished November 25, 2024, by Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (UK)