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Nick Sheppard


OrganisationRoleDepartmentStart dateEnd date
University of LeedsNot specifiedNot specified
Leeds Beckett UniversityResearch Services AdvisorNot specified20072016-11-29


OrganisationDegree/titleDepartmentStart dateEnd date
Royal Holloway University of LondonEnglish LiteratureNot specified19931996


TitleDOIPublished date
Improving Research Quality with the UK Reproducibility Network: A Conversation with Marcus MunafòNo DOI available.2024-07-24
Wikimedia and open research: a primer from UKRN10.31219/
UKRN ORCC Primer on Working in Open Research10.31219/
Analysis of open research case studies for disciplinary insight and advocacy10.57874/1svz-hn212023
Analysis of open research case studies for disciplinary insight and advocacy10.57874/pyvc-yy172023
Analysis of open research case studies for disciplinary insight and advocacy10.57874/0c5c-h1652023
RDM Engagement Award10.17605/
Exploring open access coverage of Wikipedia-cited research across the White Rose Universities10.1629/uksg.5592022-02-02
Research in the age of a pandemic10.17605/
The lockdown effect: Research in the age of a pandemicNo DOI available.2021
Open access is not enough: reproducible science, research and scholarshipNo DOI available.2020-12-02
Wikimedia and universities: contributing to the global commons in the Age of Disinformation10.1629/uksg.5092020-04
Establishing the role and impact of academic librarians in supporting open research: a case study at Leeds Beckett University, UK10.1080/13614533.2017.13187672017-04
Conference Review: 11th International Conference On Open Repositories (#Or2016), Dublin, Ireland, 13th - 16th June 2016No DOI available.2016-09
We're API and we know it: exploiting data from multiple sourcesNo DOI available.2016-06
Open Access and impact: from local to globalNo DOI available.2016-05
A librarian’s road map to open accessNo DOI available.2016-02
Leveraging a Library CMS and Social Media to promote #openaccess (OA) to institutional research outputNo DOI available.2015-10
Extending and measuring the reach and impact of research output: #openaccess, social media and "alternative metrics"No DOI available.2015-09
Philosophical Transactions to the Finch report: The events that defined academic disseminationNo DOI available.2015-06
The more things change: synergy and dissonance in Open Access and Open EducationNo DOI available.2015-04
Extending and measuring the reach and impact of research output: #openaccess, social media and "alternative metrics"No DOI available.2015
Leveraging a Library CMS and Social Media to promote #openaccess (OA) to institutional research outputNo DOI available.2015
Philosophical Transactions to the Finch report: The events that defined academic disseminationNo DOI available.2015
The more things change: synergy and dissonance in Open Access and Open EducationNo DOI available.2015
Advocating Open Access: before, during and after HEFCENo DOI available.2014-11
Digital literacy in practice: Developing an interactive and accessible open educational resource based on the SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information LiteracyNo DOI available.2014-05
Advocating Open Access: before, during and after HEFCENo DOI available.2014
Digital literacy in practice: Developing an interactive and accessible open educational resource based on the SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information LiteracyNo DOI available.2014
Open and shut: Linking communities of practice for Digital Literacy at Leeds Metropolitan UniversityNo DOI available.2014
The SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy: Core model and lenses for Higher EducationNo DOI available.2013-09
Developing the Repository Manager CommunityNo DOI available.2013-07
Libraries, OA research and OER: towards symbiosis?No DOI available.2013-03
OER for research repositories managersNo DOI available.2013-01
Developing the Repository Manager CommunityNo DOI available.2013
Libraries, OA research and OER: towards symbiosis?No DOI available.2013
Libraries, OA research and OER: towards symbiosis?No DOI available.2013
Open Practice and OER Sustainability at Leeds Metropolitan UniversityNo DOI available.2013
Workshop Session A4: The Institutional Web Site and the Institutional Repository: Addressing Challenges of IntegrationNo DOI available.2013
Open Metrics for Open RepositoriesNo DOI available.2012-07
Open Metrics for Open RepositoriesNo DOI available.2012
S2P2a: Towards a local, regional and national infrastructure for sharing medical teaching, learning and assessment materialNo DOI available.2011
Learning How to Play Nicely: Repositories and CRIS10.6084/m9.figshare.8179242010
Implementing an Institutional Repository for Leeds Metropolitan University-Final reportNo DOI available.2009
Promoting Open Access to research: an Institutional Repository for Leeds Metropolitan UniversityNo DOI available.2009
New Approaches to Measuring Prevalence and Impact of Open ScienceNo DOI available.

Octopus publications