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John Kerr


OrganisationRoleDepartmentStart dateEnd date
University of Otago WellingtonSenior Research FellowNot specified2022-05-09
University of CambridgePostdoctoral Research AssociateNot specified2020-03-162022-09-23
Victoria University of WellingtonTeaching FellowNot specified2019-01-032019-06-30
University of OtagoAssistant Research FellowNot specified20112011
University of OtagoResearch assistantNot specified20072007
University of OtagoResearch AssitantNot specified20062006


OrganisationDegree/titleDepartmentStart dateEnd date
Victoria University of WellingtonPhDNot specified2016-06-012020-09-30
University of OtagoMSciCommNot specified20092010
University of OtagoBSc (Hons)Not specified20032006


TitleDOIPublished date
The Misinformation Susceptibility Test (MIST): A psychometrically validated measure of news veracity discernment10.3758/s13428-023-02124-22023-06-29
Transparent communication of evidence does not undermine public trust in evidence10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac2802022-11-01
COVID-19 risk perception and hoax beliefs in the US immediately before and after the announcement of President Trump's diagnosis10.1098/rsos.2120132022-08
Why are beliefs in different conspiracy theories positively correlated across individuals? Testing monological-network vs. unidimensional factor model explanations10.31234/
Democracy and belief in conspiracy theories in New Zealand10.1080/10361146.2022.21227732022-07-03
Why are beliefs in different conspiracy theories positively correlated across individuals? Testing monological network versus unidimensional factor model explanations10.1111/bjso.125182022-07
Democracy and belief in conspiracy theories in New Zealand10.31234/
To what extent do beliefs in conspiracy theories change over time?10.31234/
Australasian Public Awareness and Belief in Conspiracy Theories: Motivational Correlates10.1111/pops.127462022-02
Communicating expert consensus increases personal support for COVID‐19 mitigation policies10.1111/jasp.128272022-01
The effects of President Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis on hoax beliefs and risk perceptions of the virus in the U.S.10.31234/
The Effects of Consensus Messages and the Importance of a Pre-Test: A Comment on Chinn and Hart (2021)10.31234/
Associations between conspiracism and the rejection of scientific innovations10.1177/096366252110070132021-10-16
The effects of communicating uncertainty around statistics on public trust: an international study10.1101/2021.09.27.212642022021-09-29
Do Climate Change Consensus Messages Cause Reactance? A Comment on Chinn and Hart (2021)10.31234/
Correlates of intended COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across time and countries: results from a series of cross-sectional surveys10.1136/bmjopen-2020-0480252021-08
The Misinformation Susceptibility Test (MIST): A psychometrically validated measure of news veracity discernment10.31234/
Right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation predict rejection of science and scientists10.1177/13684302219921262021-06
Effect of Information about COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness and Side Effects on Behavioural Intentions: Two Online Experiments10.3390/vaccines90403792021-04-13
COVID-19 risk perception: a longitudinal analysis of its predictors and associations with health protective behaviours in the United Kingdom10.1080/13669877.2021.18906372021-04-03
Communicating personalized risks from COVID-19: guidelines from an empirical study10.1098/rsos.2017212021-04
Political polarization on COVID-19 pandemic response in the United States10.1016/j.paid.2021.1108922021
Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across time and countries10.1101/2020.12.09.202464392020-12-11
Susceptibility to misinformation about COVID-19 around the world10.1098/rsos.2011992020-10
Risk perceptions of COVID-19 around the world10.1080/13669877.2020.17581932020-08-02
The influence of politics and labelling on New Zealanders’ attitudes towards animal agriculture emissions policy10.1080/00323187.2020.18004142020-05-03
Perceptions of scientific consensus do not predict later beliefs about the reality of climate change: A test of the gateway belief model using cross-lagged panel analysis10.1016/j.jenvp.2018.08.0122018-10
Changes in perceived scientific consensus shift beliefs about climate change and GM food safety10.1371/journal.pone.02002952018-07-06
Benzylpiperazine in New Zealand: brief history and current implications10.1080/03036758.2011.5570362011-03
Pharmacological preconditioning with GYKI 52466: a prophylactic approach to neuroprotection10.3389/fnins.2010.000542010
Selective reduction in synaptic proteins involved in vesicle docking and signalling at synapses in the ataxic mutant mousestargazer10.1002/cne.218902009-01-01

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