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Octopus is a new publishing platform for scholarly research. Funded by UKRI – the UK government research funder.

Here researchers can publish all their work for free, in full detail, enabling peer review and quality assessment, gaining credit for what they have done, and allowing the research community to build upon it.

Research Culture Report

Researchers at the University of Bristol have recently conducted an investigation into the current state of the research culture. They found academic researchers demoralised by a culture that disincentivises sharing and collaboration, encourages questionable research practices, and increases the risk of bias. These findings underline the need for a platform such as Octopus. Their results are detailed in the report "A snapshot of the academic research culture in 2023 and how it might be improved".

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Octopus is designed to incentivise best practice in research, utilise the opportunities of open access, and to improve the research culture.

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